Sandplay Therapy

It’s more than just playing in the sand.

Sandplay Therapy uses a tray filled with sand as an instrument for healing and psychological development. In this type of therapy, people use miniature figures, shells, stones or other objects to create symbolic representations of their inner world in a metaphorically safe space. These stories can be explored through conversations between therapists and their clients in order to understand unresolved conflicts from the person’s past. Sandplay Therapy has been used to treat a wide range of mental health problems including trauma, depression, anxiety, PTSD and more.


Through interaction with these symbols, clients are able to gain insight into whatever problem it is they’re facing and ultimately come up with creative solutions. Research has shown that sandplay provides an inviting environment where clients can relax and share their innermost thoughts while working out complex issues, leading to greater personal growth. By providing this non-threatening atmosphere, many people who use sandplay therapy end up feeling more empathetic towards themselves, freeing them up to make positive changes in their lives and allowing them to improve both their mental and physical wellbeing.

Sandplay therapy is an effective type of therapy used to help individuals identify and express feelings that are difficult to verbalize. It involves the use of symbolic figures in a miniature sand tray setting while the therapist helps guide clients in this experiential process. This form of therapy allows children and adults alike to safely explore their unconscious feelings, thoughts, memories, and dreams without breaking down defense mechanisms. As a result, individuals often experience greater understanding of their inner thoughts and perspectives, allowing them to recognize old behavior patterns or ways of thinking and make possible changes for improved mental health.

Benefits of Sandplay therapy

  • Sandplay therapy is beneficial for all ages
  • Sandplay therapy gives expression to nonverbalized issues
  • Sandplay therapy has a unique kinesthetic quality
  • Sandplay therapy provides and creates a safe place for clients
  • Sandplay therapy is an effective intervention for traumatized clients
  • Sandplay therapy naturally provides boundaries and limits
  • Sandplay therapy provides a unique setting for the emergence of therapeutic metaphors
  • Sandplay therapy is effective in overcoming client apprehension
  • Sandplay therapy invites deeper intrapsychic issues to be accessed more thoroughly and more rapidly
Materials used
  • Sand trays
  • Wet and/or dry sand
  • Miniatures and figurines
  • Natural objects
  • Art and creative materials
  • Personal items

“Sandplay helps the unconscious break out into consciousness and gives it the courage to put on display what was hidden” – Dora Kalff

Jungian Therapy

Jungian therapy, developed by Carl Jung, is a form of psychotherapy that relies on two main approaches: dream analysis and active imagination. According to Jung, dreams are not only the release of physical and mental energy but also the connection of conscious and unconscious aspects of one’s personality. Active imagination techniques involve visualization exercises and/or storytelling to explore certain aspects of self-awareness. Another aspect of Jungian therapy is Sandplay Therapy.

Dora Kalff

Sandplay therapy, pioneered by the Swiss psychologist Dora Kalff , is an expressive form of therapeutic practice that uses sand and miniatures to explore complex emotions. In this type of psychotherapy, a person is given certain materials with which they can create representations (i.e. sculptures) of inner psychological realities through manipulation of the sand and figurines – often in the presence of a supportive therapist. This process sometimes leads to insights or changes in attitudes that would be impossible without such direct interaction with creative materials. From its origins in symbolic representation and Jungian psychology, sandplay therapy has become known for its effectiveness in helping people process difficult traumatic memories in a safe, non-verbal way.

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