Visual Arts

Painting, drawing, sculpture, photography/video, crafts, etc


Journaling, stories, poems, lyrics


Dance, meditation, yoga, somatic art

music & Sound

Instruments, songs, music

Express your self beyond speaking

Expressive therapy is a form of psychological treatment that can be beneficial for people with mental health issues. It offers participants the opportunity to explore and express their feelings, thoughts, and relationships through creative modalities such as writing, art making, music, dance/movement, and drama. By providing an outlet to work through difficulties in a safe environment, expressive therapy can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. In addition to helping individuals gain insight into their struggles, expressive therapy also empowers participants to reconnect with suppressed emotions and discover new ways of viewing and addressing mental health concerns. As such, it can provide invaluable tools for developing positive coping skills, creating healthy boundaries, overcoming negative thought patterns, experiencing growth in assertiveness and self-confidence, and regaining stability in daily life.


How does expressive therapy differ from traditional talk therapy treatments?

Expressive therapy is an approach to talk therapy that utilizes creative tools such as art and music to help a client achieve both emotional and cognitive insight into their lives. As opposed to traditional talk therapy where the aim is for the client to verbalize solutions and move forth in life, expressive therapies take it deeper by using creativity as way of understanding emotional issues. The emphasis here is not on problem solving, but rather exploring different aspects of taken-for-granted emotions that often have no words. As a result, the client can gain greater insight into their emotions and develop an understanding about themselves that could not have been achieved with traditional talk therapies alone.


Improving their ability to express themselves through creative outlets and improved communication skills, those who undergo expressive therapies can often improve their self-awareness, relationships with others, overall health, and life satisfaction. Additionally these therapies work well because they provide an environment where it is natural to explore inner feelings without fear of judgement. This creates an opportunity for individuals to incorporate insight from both themselves and the therapist into their lives in order to create positive growth within themselves.

Media & Materials
  • Music
  • Instruments and instrument making
  • Journals
  • Art and crafting matrials
  • Movement equipment
Music in Therapy 

Music therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more people discover the benefits of incorporating music into their care plans. Music is a powerful tool that can be used to alleviate symptoms associated with stress, depression, and anxiety. As a form of integrative healthcare, music therapy takes a Wholistic approach to wellbeing by utilizing sound interventions to foster communication and personal expression for both physical and mental healing. Recent scientific studies have indicated that music therapy may significantly improve quality of life by reducing pain, promoting relaxation, and encouraging positive emotions. For those looking to extend their therapeutic path beyond traditional methods, music therapy is certainly worth exploring.

Art-Based Therapy

Art-based therapy can be an effective and engaging way to help people of all ages, backgrounds, and mental health needs. By engaging in artistic activities like drawing, painting, sculpting, or performing music and dance, therapists can create meaningful connections with clients while allowing them to work through their struggles in a creative manner. Rather than simply talking about their issues, individuals who undergo art-based therapy often find it easier to express themselves non-verbally by creating artwork that represents how they’re feeling on the inside. And while artists of all levels can benefit from professional guidance towards self-discovery and healing, art-based therapy can also serve as a source of emotional comfort during tough times.


Journaling is an effective form of expressive therapy that can help individuals process their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Through writing in a journal, one can gain clarity about their feelings and better understand the many aspects of their life that contribute to those feelings. Furthermore, recording these ideas and reflections in a journal provides a safe space to confront difficult issues without fear of judgment or criticism from others. Combine journaling and art and you get art-journaling! Journaling offers an array of therapeutic benefits, such as cultivating self-awareness, inspiring personal growth, fostering mental resilience, and building problem-solving skills. Professionals often recommend this type of therapeutic method for anyone trying to process complex emotions or more difficult life challenges.

Nature based expression

Nature based therapy is an increasingly popular approach to expressive therapy, with practitioners advocating the therapeutic benefits of connecting with nature. By incorporating the elements of nature such as sunlight, fresh air, and nature’s sounds into a therapeutic environment, clients can express their feelings in a non-threatening way. Many people have reported feeling more connected to themselves and others when engaging in expressive therapies outdoors, and evidence from recent research indicates that this type of treatment can have positive outcomes for mental health. Nature based therapy has the potential to integrate physical activity with creative components such as music, art, and drumming circles, providing clients with multiple avenues for self-expression and healing.


Expressive arts therapy can be an effective tool for facilitating growth and healing in a group setting. It is an approach that integrates multiple art disciplines – such as painting, singing, drama and creative writing – to foster self-expression and explore the relationship between emotions, thoughts, sensations and behaviors. Group therapy using expressive arts therapy combines the elements of both individual and group work to create a multi-faceted therapeutic experience. Sessions may involve improvisation-based activities that allow participants to support each other through art-assisted self-discovery. Additionally, this type of therapy encourages individuals to learn from one another and develop a sense of mutual understanding within the group.


Through the use of movement in therapy is an innovative approach to psycho-therapeutic healing. Various studies have already shown this type of therapy to be particularly beneficial for those dealing with conditions such as autism, developmental delays, and emotional disturbances. Beyond Behaviours’ method has allowed them to make tremendous changes in the physical and emotional well-being of their clients. By incorporating movements that promote relaxation, healthy stress management, and increased self-confidence into the sessions, clients are able to gain a greater sense of control over their emotions and develop both communication skills and emotional intelligence. In doing so, clients gain powerful tools that can be used to navigate their daily lives and foster meaningful relationships with their peers.

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Therapy that doesn’t just focus on the mind